Reasons to Start a Business in Greer, SC
Greer is rated as one of the best places to live and do business in South Carolina. The city’s location is the dynamic center of the Upstate’s 1-85 Corridor. This has led to continued growth and development, thus making the town an ideal center for business. The rapidly growing population creates a solid customer base, ideal for business owners. Information can be found here.
Enhanced Police Protection
By offering business owners more police officers per square mile, Greer city is able to maintain outstanding responses to calls. The Greer Police Department operates on the motto “Policing is a Partnership” The department provided crime prevention assistance for businesses, crime prevention surveys, and community patrols. This way, businesses can operate with the ultimate peace of mind. See here for information about Travelers Rest, South Carolina is an Ideal Traveler’s Haven.

Lower Utility Costs
Rates for sewer, water, and stormwater in Greer city are lower than those in other areas in South Carolina. This keeps fixed costs for every business lower. Business can commit their profits to growth and development.
Infrastructure Assistance and Street Lighting
The City of Greer is continually upgrading its infrastructure in the areas of street lighting, property maintenance, and roads to meet business owners’ needs. Besides, the city strategically schedules street weeping programs to ensure businesses are operated in a clean environment.